Cooking – Young cooks(7 to 9)

Do kids really need to learn to cook?

If maturity is measured by an increasing knowledge of keeping healthy, making good decisions and using skills learnt, then Hell, Yes!

Cooking is an essential life skill, you need to know how to cook in order to provide for yourself as an adult. Not only how to cook, but how to cook healthily and on a budget.

You arm your children with the skills they need to pass exams, you also need to arm them with the practical skills that will see them thriving as independent adults. There is no better time than now to get them cooking.

Some of you may be lucky enough to have kids who have been cooking since they were toddlers, but even if your child wasn’t a mini masterchef or a bake-off junior it is never too late.

Our young cooks cooking course is aimed at children who may or may not have cooked before. We will start with baking, and then as they build in confidence we will move on to simple cooking.

The kitchen is an exciting place for children, however it is full of dangers. This course is intended for parents to be present in order to help as and when needed. This way the children can gain in confidence in a safe and secure environment.

Lastly, don’t feel bound by these age guides. A lot of the tasks can safely be dropped down an age category. The 3 year olds that I cook with would be unhappy if they couldn’t crack their own eggs.